Author Archives: Eric Borgos

Domain Name Prices

I find the current state of the domain name market confusing. Every week I read about a bunch of domain sales, all at what I consider pretty high prices, yet I have not had much luck lately selling my own domains. I currently have up for auction at, but this is the 2nd… Read More »

My First Date

Sometimes business is a little like dating. Let me explain. I went on my first date when I was in 7th grade. It was typical middle school stuff. I had a crush on a girl in my class (I will call her “Monica”) and was flirting with her, so she had her best friend ask… Read More »

Illegal Sites

If you are a small company, it is important to do whatever you can not to get sued, because a lawsuit will eat up all your time and money, even if you think you did nothing wrong. I am frequently presented with business opportunities that would probably make a good profit, but I avoid them… Read More »

Are .Com Domains Headed For A Fall?

There are already over 400 new gTLDs available right now, such as .music, .shop, .love, .nyc, .eco., .news, .hotel, .dentists, and .money, with thousands more soon to come. There is a huge debate within the domain industry as to whether or not these domains will succeed, and if they do, will .com still remain king.… Read More »