Category Archives: Web Sites – Update #1

In my posting from 3 months ago, I told the story of how I purchased the domain even though I know nothing about boats and had no specific plan for what to do with it. Here’s an update: Overall, I have been making significant progress with, but haven’t found a good way to… Read More »

Why I Bought

“Not all who wander are lost.” I have wandered the internet for the past 5 years, learning new things, trying various money-making ventures, and exploring. All great journeys must come to an end sometime though. I needed a purpose. I needed an income. I needed to be able to explain to people what I actually… Read More »

The Story of

It started with an idea I had to promote Maybe I could build free websites for people in exchange for them mentioning on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). A potential problem, though, would be that for the past few months, I have been paying somebody $4/hr to promote on social media,… Read More »

How To Promote Your Site

As I wrote in my last blog posting, what used to work to get visitors to websites no longer does. Any SEO (search engine optimization) is risky nowadays, from submitting to web directories and social bookmarking sites to forum commenting and guest blog postings. Google is always one step ahead of you. Worst case, they… Read More »

Change Is Hard

I haven’t made a blog posting in over 2 years because I haven’t really had anything interesting to write about. Or at least nothing I could show people, until now. A few weeks ago, I launched a new site, which is the culmination of many of the different things I have been working on:… Read More »