Big Domain Name Development

By | March 29, 2009

I have heard that some domain owners make a lot of money by taking one big domain, putting lots of content on it, and optimizing it to get listed well in the search engines. A few years ago I decided to try this with 3 domains:,, and . For, I paid a company in India to write articles for me about thousands of medical conditions and diseases. is a domain I bought for $2000 in December 2007 after watching a segement on the Today Show about water towers. I had never thought about them before, and knew nothing about them, so I figured a website about them might interest people. The domain happened to be for sale, so I bought it, and then added a bunch of content to it. started off as a site with around 4000 animal photos. I bought it for around $5000. I then added animal videos, jokes, games, and other animal related content.

Search engines such as Google rank a site with a great domain much higher than most other sites, as long as the site has good content related to that domain. So, my hope with building these 3 was they would get great search engine listing and tons of traffic, and I would make lots of moeny from the Google ads on the sites. The results are that the sites are getting great search engine listings, but not too much traffic. shows up in the #3 position when you do a Google search for water towers. comes up #2 when you do a Google search for ailments. I am not sure how ranks, but it is not near the top yet, mainly because there are so many animal sites.

But, even with amazing search engine listings, and still get less than 50 visitors per day each, and I make only around $25/month combined from them. gets around 50 visitors per day and only makes around $5/month. I still have hope that eventually these sites will hit it big, but so far I am not impressed with the results.

5 thoughts on “Big Domain Name Development

    1. admin

      I think I spent around $15,000 to have all the medical articles created for me.

  1. antoine

    sounds like a keyword research problem. an anchored link problem for all pages. i mean:

    water storage tower $1.27
    cooling water tower $2.61
    back ailments: $1.95
    liver ailments:$1.02
    if anything a nice hosting banner can always make a pretty penny

    1. admin

      I make a very high price for each click on the Google Adsense ads on those sites, the problem is the sites get very little traffic, so overall it makes little money.


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