Category Archives: Internet Business

Working In Teams

“After all is said and done, more is usually said than done.” The New York Times published a very interesting article by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Charles Duhigg about working in teams. Whether in school or at work, you have probably all worked on a team at some point, but most people never really think much… Read More »

Beware of Black Hat SEO

I come to you today with a warning: Beware of SEO companies. Not all SEO companies are bad, but many employ tactics that are considered “black hat,” where they promote your site by doing things that violate the rules of the internet. The likelihood is they will be, but ask just so you have peace… Read More »

Thinking Big

Damn that Elon Musk! I create a site solving the mystery of why some women’s shirts get tiny holes in them (; he builds the world’s largest electric car company (Tesla). I create The Fart Name List; he sends rockets into space. And, in his spare time, he is designing Hyperloop (the fastest, most ambitious… Read More »

Are All The Good Domains Taken?

Surprisingly, this is a very controversial question. It plays a central part right now in a big lawsuit, where Verisign (they run the .com domain system) is suing (they run the .xyz domain system) and its CEO Daniel Negari for among other things talking badly about .com domains. Verisign specifically takes issue with the… Read More »

The Online Music Business Sucks

A year ago I wrote about how I started outsourcing my song performances, because I had written over 100 songs but don’t sing or play any musical instruments. Since then, I have actually made a lot of progress, but as with most things in life, it is a mixed bag. As I described in that… Read More »

My First Kiss

Fear. That is what it came down to. In a previous blog posting, I talked about my First Date in middle school. We fell in love but never kissed. I wanted to of course, but we were young and inexperienced, and it never ended up happening. Then came high school. I did not have any… Read More »