Author Archives: Eric Borgos

Expanding Your Internet Business

In my previous posting, I talked about how it is hard for many websites to take things to the next level, in terms of increasing sales and profits. Most websites, assuming they are able to stay in business for a few years, reach a plateau where they are making money, but it is just enough… Read More »

Taking Your Business to the Next Level

One of the biggest problems in running an Internet business seems to be in taking it to the next level. By that I mean that many sites eventually get to the point where they make some money, but profits and sales level off, and the owner can’t figure out what to do to get rich… Read More »

Big Domain Development – Part 2 (

In one of my earlier postings I talked about how I had not had much success developing my domain names to get traffic from the search engines (to increase income). I still am not making any significant revenue from those sites, but I recently tried adding content to one of my domains that already gets… Read More »

Domain Names I Recently Sold – Part 2

Below is a list of some of the domain names that I have sold over the past few months. These are all domains I owned personally. A few sales were through brokers, most were from people who looked up that I was the owner and then contacted me: – $5000 – $2000… Read More »

The Risks of Buying a Company

I have bought around a hundred websites over the past few years, but I have never bought any companies, and here’s why. When you buy an entire company instead of just buying their assets (like their website), you are exposed to all of their potential liabilities. A good example of this happened recently with,… Read More »

Sometimes Little Things Can Make A Big Difference

For many years I have had most of my 10,000 domain names “parked”, which means they basically just have ads and search engine type links on them. I would always get a few offers a month on these domains from people who looked up that I was the owner and then contacted me to make… Read More »

Partnerships – Part 3

I am not a big fan of partnerships. I know many big companies (Apple, Google, etc.) have been built that way, but it has never worked out very well for me. Many people don’t like partnerships because of potential personality conflicts or business decision making conflicts that come up and eventually ruin things, or because… Read More »

Domain Names I Recently Sold

Here are some of domain names I sold over the past few months: – $15,000 – $2,000 – $1,000 – $1000 – $3000 – $15,000 – $850 – $250 – $2,500 – $600 – $670 – $3,000 – $2,500 – $1,000… Read More »

Domain Flipping

I rarely buy domain names anymore, but recently I bought for $6901 at a auction. I bought it because I thought it was cheap and would do well in Google if I built a mini-site on it (Game Theory is the mathematical study of the strategies used to win games, as featured in… Read More »