Author Archives: Eric Borgos

New Website Projects – September 2010

In one of my previous postings, I gave away 11 new business ideas that I had thought of, because there is little chance I will ever get them launched myself. In this posting, I am going to list some of the Internet projects that I actually am working on: A site where you upload your… Read More »

Domain Names I Recently Sold – August 2010 Update

Here are some domain names I recently sold: – $5,000 – $5,000 – $7,000 – $1,000 – $4,000 – $750 – $1,000 – $750 – $500 – $250 – $3,500 – $1,250 – $300 – $1,500 – $10,000 –… Read More »

The Death of the Publishing Industry?

In the past few years there has been a lot of talk about how newspapers and magazines are being replaced by online content, and that print media will soon be a dead industry. While it is true that the game is changing, and not many of the changes are good for the big publishers, keep… Read More »

How To Get Rich Online – Book Epilogue

A few weeks ago I posted the introduction to my book. Below is the epilogue (the end part) for the book: How To Get Rich Online =================== What’s Next? While other teenagers were playing video games and watching sports, I was reading the Wall Street Journal, buying penny stock IPOs, and thinking of inventions. While… Read More »

How To Get Rich Online – Book Introduction

I have been thinking about writing a book. It would be called “How To Get Rich Online” and would be a combination of my most interesting blog posts and practical how-to advice for creating money making websites and market them. So far, I wrote the introduction and the epilogue, I just need to write the… Read More »

Giving Away My New Business Ideas

In the spirit of a recent TechDirt article about giving business ideas away for free, I have decided to share some of my new business ideas (none of which I am currently working on, but would if I had more time): 1. – A service that manages websites for Internet companies 24 hours a… Read More »

Viral Videos – Part 2

In a previous posting, I talked about my attempt at launching a viral video. It was a modest success, but did not make me any money or bring any extra traffic to my site. So, I decided to create a few more music videos in the hopes that one of them would catch on: Hip-Hop… Read More »

Bone of the Month Club

Many of my blog postings are stories about sites that I created. This one is about a site I wanted to start, but never did: . I registered the domain in 2003 and the the concept was to create a site where people could buy their pet a luxurious gift, which would a gourmet… Read More »